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We'd love to have you visit New Heights this Sunday to worship with us! Here's what to expect...

9:00AM Worship Service

Every Sunday

200 E.1st Ave, Indianola, IA


Going to church for the first time can be scary. But don't worry! We want you to know what to expect so you can feel comfortable when you come for your first visit to New Heights.


Each Sunday morning, we gather as a church family to celebrate and worship our risen Savior. We normally start off at 9:00am with an opening song of praise followed by a welcome, scripture reading, and prayer by one of our elders. We continue in a few more songs of worship, and then we focus on the opening and explaining of the Bible through the message given by one of our pastors. We end the service with a time of prayer, reflection, and a final song of praise. After a scripture based benediction, the service is over, but we encourage people to stay around and meet other people at church with them. Below are some other frequently asked questions...

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We sing both well known hymns along with modern worship songs; both of which are based on scripture and magnify God. Our desire is that our worship is not a "show," but congregational time of praising God as the gathered body of Christ. Because of this, we pick songs that are singable by the entire congregation so that you can participate in worship with the rest of us. We are blessed to have a plethora of talented musicians at New Heights, so you will enjoy the variety of style and instruments used in worship.

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Childcare and Kid's Classes
Available Every Sunday!



Church is so much more than just meeting once a week on a Sunday morning. Church is living in community with one another as the Body of Christ. On Sunday, we are stirred up by the preaching and music to then live out the message of the gospel throughout the week. Some of the ways we do that are listed below. Click below to see some "next steps" of connecting and growing with us at New Heights.

Connection Group Info

We believe that Connection Groups are a great way to grow in community with other believers at New Heights, to look at God's Word together, care for each other, and serve the Lord and our community. All groups welcome visitors who are looking for a place to connect. Click on a group name below for more information about each group and to contact the leader of that group.

King Connection Group
Rigg's Home
Wed @ 6:30pm
Price Connection Group
Alternating homes
Wed @ 6:00pm
Barzon Connection Group
New Heights Church Upper Annex
Wed @ 6:30pm
Mayer Connection Group
New Heights Church Fellowship Hall
Tues @ 6:30pm
Lehr Connection Group
New Heights Church Fellowship Hall
Wed @ 6:30pm
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Contact Us

200 E. 1st Ave 

Indianola, IA



Tel: 515-442-5111



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